UR Books


UR (Urban Research)—the imprint of Terreform—launched a few months before I joined the team, and I quickly assumed the responsibility of producing promotional graphics for the new books. The opportunity to read, distill, and contextualise each volume to answer that fundamental dramaturgical problem of ‘Why this? Why now?’ in every email, tweet, and post proved incomparable. It was an exercise in rapid prototyping, a laboratory for storytelling, and an indulgent adventure with GIFs. 

Organisation  Terreform + UR (Urban Research)
Location New York, USA
Date 2016 - 17


Forthcoming Titles 22 May 2017


The ruin was a process / Come on, rise up!  15 March 2017


Our First Year  5 January 2017


Twitter campaign for 'Mahometan & Celestial’s Encyclopaedic Guide to Modernity'  January 2017


Six years later (and six days on)  26 January 2017


Flooded With Ideas 17 Feb 2017


A Manual of Useful Instruction 20 April 2017


Promotion for 2100: A Dystopian Utopia (15 March 2017)


Zoned Out! Join the Conversation  04 Oct 2016